
How to Shuffle, Cut and Draw the Tarot Deck

Tarot Deck Shuffle

Before a reading, shuffling the deck is the chance for both the practitioner and the Seeker to bind the conscious with the unconscious and form a bridge. If the Seeker wants to obtain knowledge in the collective unconscious, information that may not be present in the conscious mind of the Seeker, the interaction mechanism is essential. Concentration must be intensified in order to clear the bridge. Whoever handles the tarot deck should aim to channel the forces of harmony, strength, and transparency to concentrate focus. Be cool and enjoy. Clear the mind. Often, exude confidence. Know with certainty that you are strong and present with your innate ability. Hey, be open. Don't give the cards a clear message at all. Don't be scared or fear some single post. To whatever can come, be open.

If a signifier card is being used by the practitioner, begin by naming the signifier and displaying it to the seeker. Then return the signifier to the deck and thoroughly shuffle it. I decline to treat my tarot like a poker deck, but I'm not going to bend the bridge and riffle cards. Instead, I keep the deck with one hand, and take a small pile from the bottom of the deck with the other hand, and put it on top. Repeat a dozen or so times when attuning yourself to the forces of peace, strength, and openness. This is referred to as the conventional shuffling form.

1. Keep in one hand the deck tightly.

2. Slide out a chunk of the deck at random with the other one.

3. At the top of the deck, put the chunk.

4. Repeat several times to completely shuffle the deck

The diviner or tarot reader would first shuffle the deck. Then, using the same procedure, the deck is given to the Seeker and the Seeker shuffles. 

If card reversals are found, then make sure to turn the cards upside down at random while you shuffle every once in a while.

If time is of no significance, so for the practitioner to disperse the cards into the amount of piles of the life path number of the Seeker, another way to shuffle. The number of the life path is the sum of the digits of the month, day, and year of birth, respectively, then the sum of the digits of that sum, and then the sum of that sum, if appropriate, before a digit between 1 and 9 is achieved by the practitioner. An person born on December 26, 1978, for example, will have the number 9 life path (12 + 26 + 1978 = 2016; 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9). 

The individual will distribute the deck into nine distinct piles, taking care to randomize the piles of upright and reversed cards. Individuals with a number 1 life plan are born kings, so they can be supplied with the deck and asked to distribute the cards into stacks of the number of their choice. To read the Life Path number more.

Often practitioners are asked to do tarot readings on the Internet for Seekers in the Modern Age, usually through a written review submitted by email. I find the signifier card in such readings to be particularly instrumental in helping me attune to the energies of the Seeker. The practitioner will shuffle on behalf of the Seeker while the Seeker is not present, practicing sensitivity and wisdom in the shuffling and cutting process to match the energies of the Seeker as much as possible, though remotely. In such cases, it might be beneficial to shuffle by separating the cards into the number of piles corresponding to the Seeker's Life Path number.

Not only does shuffling take place before a reading, but the practitioner may still shuffle the deck following a reading to disperse any remaining forces left behind from that reading. In order to be good practice, I noticed that. I'll usually give them one more nice shuffle before I store my cards away. 

After a Seeker's reading, give the deck of cards a firm tap against a tabletop, which helps to shake off residual energies. I have followed this practice and find it very useful, particularly in between back-to-back readings for a tarot case.

Devote time, if for no other reason than reflection, to the shuffling process. The silent break from discussion and inward meditation will help relax the Seeker and allow the practitioner a chance to ground his or her energies. It also means that the cards are thoroughly randomized and will not impact the current one by the order of the cards generated by a prior reading.

Tarot Deck Cutting

The conventional strategy is to make the Seeker cut the deck after the deck has been shuffled thoroughly. Before beginning a reading, I was instructed by purists of the trade to always cut the deck (and what's more, it must be cut with the left hand, not the correct, since the left hand coincides with the intuitive side), but I have also noticed very few practitioners still stick to the cutting approach in contemporary times. It is up to you if the practitioner preserves the conventional approach of your profession or adopts the new method. 

The deck can be broken into four piles for the Seeker to cut the deck (or three, depending on the tradition followed), going from right to left. The process of cutting is identical to what is done to the first procedure. For two factors, the cards are often cut right to left: first, it follows the direction in which Hebrew is written, which is essential to the powerful Kabbalistic influences of the modern-day tarot; and second, it symbolizes the regression from the conscious and external world, ruled by the right hand, into the left-ruled unconscious and internal plane.

1. Place your deck in front of the Seeker

2. Seeker takes up half of the deck and positions it on the first pile on the far left.

3. The seeker takes up half of the remaining first pile and brings it on the immediate left.

4. The seeker takes up half of the third pile and brings it on its immediate left.

5. It is now appropriate to break the deck into four piles.

6. In a random order, the seeker gathers up the piles and returns them to a single pile.

If the first operation is observed, the practitioner may take the deck and begin with the first operation, cutting the cards again in consequence.

The signifier card is set down on the table as the anchor of the reading after the first operation. Without the signifier, I reshuffle the deck and then hand it to the Seeker to reshuffle as well. I demonstrate to him or her that we are now starting to learn, and the Seeker can comfortably shuffle and realize with certainty that his or her innate talents are effective and real. The Seeker cuts the deck once more and the reading continues as the cards are returned to the practitioner in a single pile.

Drawing Tarot Cards from the Deck

Pull Cards into the Spread:

For drawing cards, consider the Fan Solution where a distribution of fewer than five cards is used.

1. Fan the cards out.

2. Make the seeker randomly pick up the cards. The practitioner takes the cards from the Seeker one by one and moves them into the layout.

Pull the cards from the top of the deck one by one through the spread, in spreads of more than five cards. On how they put the cards from the deck into the spread, practitioners may vary. 

Below, two strategies are demonstrated to demonstrate how important the draw is, especially if the practitioner observes card reversals:

Direct Flip Method

The practitioner flips each card over on its long side, according to the Direct Flip process. The practitioner flips each card on its short side, towards the practitioner, per the Turn Over strategy, so that the practitioner can see the card first, before the Seeker. The card is then put into the spread.

Turn Over Method

Whether the practitioner chooses to adopt the Direct Flip or Turn Over method, the key is to remain consistent. That way the tarot deck can become attuned to that practitioner’s habit. If you prefer the Direct Flip, then always draw cards by the Direct Flip method. If you prefer the Turn Over, then always draw cards by the Turn Over method