
One-Card Draw Tarot Spread

 For yes or no inquiries, the one-card draw is suited. Many clinicians take the method of viewing a card drawn upright as a response to "yes" and a card drawn in reverse to be a "no,"1, but be careful not to focus entirely on that oversimplified approach. The meaning relies on what question was posed and how the question was expressed, as well as what card was drawn, of course. A Three of Swords drawn upright may not be as positive or positive as a reverse-drawn Four of Wands. Thus, though one governing theory is the upright-yes/reversed-no rule of thumb, it is just one of many.

It is important to take a more systematic view. The one-card distribution is also useful for recognizing the prevailing force or powers in a situation. The goal of one-card readings is to hit at the center of the matter. With a one-card reading, a particular question may be asked. The drawn card often calls attention to unique problems, energies, or events that are important and to which the seeker should pay attention, regardless of what the response is.

When reflecting on the problem at hand, the Seeker can first shuffle the deck. The deck should be handed to the professional until the seeker is satisfied. Then the practitioner fans the cards out on a table and makes the Seeker point at his or her card of choice. Then the practitioner flips the card pointed to by the Seeker over and puts it on the table.

Another solution to a Seeker's one-card reading utilizes a signifier card. An summary of selecting signifier cards is given in Chapter 10. Once the signifier card is picked, shuffle the deck while dwelling on the query of the Seeker with the signifier. Then turn the face of the deck towards you and look for the sign.

The answer to the question is expressed by the card directly behind the signifier card. In truth, the cards "behind" the signifier are the "going forward" cards or what is to come to the Seeker. Cards from the past are the cards "in front" or accompanying the signifier. Thus, with the question at hand, the card directly "behind" the signifier is the card you perceive.