
Relating to and Caring for a Tarot Deck

Place it in a part of your home that is dearly personal to you, to link to a new deck of tarot cards. Remember that it is more for your benefit than for the tarot cards to do so. It's about adapting your state of mind and training yourself for intuitive practice to link to a tarot box. Some people would only keep their cards in a holy spot, such as an altar or a special place for religious books. It would fit great with a desk drawer or chest cabinet filled with personal mementos and valuable keepsakes. The idea behind this is simple: the most powerful movements of your private spiritual energy would have such a room.

Leave your new tarot deck there for a while until you have found the right room. Doing so enables the tempering of your personal energies between the deck's prefixed energies. I had a Robin Wood tarot deck that I really liked, but for one reason or another, I just didn't interact with it in readings. Then I began to get better readings with it after having it tucked under my pillow every night for about a week. Does that make scientific and intellectual sense? Oh, no. May I draw ties where there are none? Maybe, but it succeeded for me, and that's what counts.

You take it more seriously that an object has private emotional significance to you. With reverence, veneration, and near-superstitious observations, violinists who are passionate about their music handle their violins. Athletes have routines which are identical. What these artists and athletes do may appear superstitious to onlookers, their personal routines leading up to a concert or game, but it is about the attitude. Similarly, tarot readings rely on the attitude. You open yourself up enough to accept the signals and perspective that the tarot has to bring by taking tarot analysis seriously, as the artist does his instrument and the athlete does her performance. So take sure to implement routines that are personalized.

 Before beginning, certain individuals would prefer to purify a tarot deck, especially a used one, of foreign energies. Some would put the deck with quartz crystals in a closely sealed space, such as a jar, or bury it in salt, which is assumed to have purifying properties. Others will pass it by the burning sage's smoke, a herb that is thought to be purifying as well. The phases of the moon will also be taken into account by some. Do what sounds best for you intuitively. Proceed to put it in your personal or religious room after the deck has been cleansed of alien energy.

For three or five consecutive days to link more to a deck, attempt to shuffle and order the tarot deck for the first action you take of the day and the last action of the night before you sleep. Take the deck out, concentrate on the cards, and, as you shuffle, focus your energy on them. Then switch them up on the right side to bring the order from Major Arcana to Minor Arcana (or vice versa), either the card order or the order that sounds right to you. Take the time to personally review and card and absorb the images in your head as you bring them back in order.

This approach encourages you to tune into the new deck and articulate your interpretation of the tarot signs and symbols. It allows you to familiarize yourself with the deck's imagery on a more mundane basis.

With respect to tarot card storage, every strategy would work. Your cards will definitely be kept in their original packaging. A drawstring bag, much like a pack, would do well. Traditionally, it has been assumed that by covering them in black silk, tarot cards can be kept. My own reading deck is covered in white linen, which is also my most prized tarot deck. The importance of wrapping tarot in silk is unclear, but for me, my cultural history resonates with it.

Silk production started as early as 27 BC in China (at least according to tradition, but the recognition that it came from China seems to be well-established), and the Silk Road is one of the earliest examples of globalization from East to West. Silk moved from East to West, like playing cards, and any new culture it came into contact with adapted and stylized it to represent that specific culture.

If the chosen storage option is a box, then the practice is to use a wooden box. It is assumed that a box made of cedar holds the material untainted from external energies inside the box. For divination and spiritual reasons, one made of cypress, hazel, holly, spruce, or willow is considered optimal. The force of the tarot will be empowered and enhanced both by oak and maple.

 What is more critical is how you relate to the table, no matter how you want to store the tarot deck. You can build a deep bond between you and the deck by repeated and prolonged use of it. It's not about superstition to link to your Tarot Box. It's about opening your mind up to be as sensitive to what the tarot has to say as possible. Taking appropriate care of your tarot deck reveals your respect for divination and the encouragement and support given by it to yourself and others. You must also handle your tarot deck with the same degree of caution and with the same degree of care as you intend to do your readings.