
Dyadic Cross Tarot Spread

For any general or unique queries, the Dyadic Cross is a multipurpose and intuitive spread. 

Experienced tarot practitioners will remember that it is literally the cross section of the standard Celtic Cross ten-card spread. 

As shown in the illustration, the spread is one cross inside a larger cross. 

It is one of the simplest spreads on which to recall the definitions of the position. 

For the Seeker, the smaller cross with two cards at the middle is the current moment: what the present state of mind of the Seeker is and what instantly enters the path of the Seeker.

Then the bigger four-card cross reflects the linear chronology of the past to the possible future outcome and the vertical cross-section of the life of the Seeker at the moment: the aspirations, speculations, worries of the Seeker, what comprises the portion of his or her life that is not yet part of the truth and base of the Seeker; what is latent in the unconscious that plays a role in the present. Intuitively, the actual position of the card is precisely what the card means according to the position of the signifier.

 It uses a card of importance, which is put down first. 

Then Card 1 is put on top of the signifier, as shown in the diagram above. 

Card 1 illustrates the Seeker's current factors and state of mind. 

This illustrates the essence of the matter. This card is a nutshell description of the most important energies around the topic in a single investigation.

Card 2 crosses the track of the Seeker. 

It may raise obstacles or hurdles that the seeker may encounter, or what the seeker may expect in the near future to cross his or her way. Visually, when it passes the signifier, Card 2 tends to be in the way of the Seeker. This visual representation is representative of the interaction of the energies of Card 2 with Card 1 and the signifier.

Card 3 reflects the base of the matter at hand, or the origin of the Seeker. 

It illustrates what is at the bottom of the dilemma, the incentive, and the backstory. If Cards 1 and 2 are the "what," so Card 3 is the "why." Card 3 also illustrates implicit forces and elements of the unconscious of the Seeker that affect the present and actual path taken by the Seeker.

The past forces or past energies that are now current and still affect the matter at hand are represented in Card 4. 

Card 5 constitutes the Seeker's hopes or speculations. 

The potential possible outcome may also be portrayed, which could arise if the candidate decides not to stay the course. Card 5 illustrates what is now in the world of thought, what has not materialized yet could theoretically materialize into the truth of the Seeker. Hopes, worries, and what-ifs could be suggested by the card.

Card 6 is what is most likely to happen if the seeker continues on the current course. 

Card 6 is for the near future and the situation's most likely result. It is directly connected with Card 4, the history, and karmically connected with it. Interpret Cards 4 and 6 linearly as related, and Cards 3 and 5 synchronously as related.

The Dyadic Cross is one of the easiest and most powerful and complete spreads that can be studied by new practitioners. 

If you had to learn just one spread, it should be the Dyadic Cross.

~Kiran Atma